HDF 110

Screen Shot 2018-11-03 at 11.12.04 AMThis summer I also had the opportunity to take HDF 110, a class about the roots of oppression. I took this class online during the summer because of my busy Fall and Spring semester schedules. Before this class, I had limited knowledge on how oppression truly impacted our society. I knew that there were oppressed groups, but I never understood how those groups came to have fewer privileges than other groups of people.

Not only did this class educate me on the foundation of racism and oppression, but it also helped me realize the actions I can take to help make our world to a less oppressive place. I learned that in the context of oppression, anyone and everyone can be a leader. You just have to be aware of your actions and how they impact others.

HDF 110 made me aware of the oppressive system that is in place in The United States. However, it also made me aware that I have the power to make a difference and to do my part in making our world a better place.

COM 461

Screen Shot 2018-11-03 at 11.13.53 AMThis summer I had the opportunity to take COM 461 (communication in leadership) as an online class. Because I am trying to graduate within four years, I was unable to take this course with my cohort during the spring semester.

I really enjoyed that this course was real-life application based. My professor assigned case studies that dealt with leadership situations in the real world. For instance, we discussed conflict management in the workplace and collaboration with colleagues. I enjoyed that leadership was discussed mainly in the real world, since most leadership discussions I’ve had in college focused mainly on student organizations.

Additionally, taking the course with non-LAS students allowed me to gain a wider variety of perspectives on leadership issues. In my course, there were student-athletes, presidents’ of student organizations, and even foreign exchange students. Each student brought a valuable perspective to our class and allowed me to see leadership in many different contexts.

I really enjoyed this course and it taught me many leadership skills that I will be able to use now and after graduation.