Lead Team Reflection: LAS in The D

16807561_1577450168937090_2848794480160348484_nAs part of the Leader Advancement Scholarship Protocol, all freshman, sophomore, and junior LAS students are required to serve on a Lead Team. Each Lead Teams serves a different purpose, whether that be to plan diversity events, put on LAS Graduation Ball, plan the scholarship competition day, and many more.

This year I had the opportunity to serve on the LAS in the D Lead Team. As a member of this Lead Team, we were responsible for planning, organizing, and executing the annual service trip to Detroit for the Freshman LAS Cohort. Every detail from raising the funds for the trip, to educating the students on the service they were doing, to planning the schedule for the weekend was taken care of by our Lead Team.

Additionally, as Lead Team members, we had the opportunity to be the facilitators a group of the LAS Freshman throughout the trip. We were with our group throughout the entirety of the trip and also lead nightly discussions and reflections with these students about the experiences they had.


The LAS in The D Lead Team at the DIA

This trip was so impactful to me as a LAS Freshman that I was so grateful for the opportunity to help give these students a great experience like I had. My favorite part of serving on this Lead Team was seeing students grow, learn, and experience what servant leadership is in it’s purest form. Watching these students learn more about Detroit, it’s successes and struggles, and what each and every one of them can do to make a difference in the world was heartwarming.

I am very grateful I had the opportunity to serve on the LAS in the D Lead Team this year and I hope I will have the opportunity to serve on it again next year.